The myth about the Russian cans.
This post maybe can be interesting for the collectors. The bigger energy drink collectors know some informations about this cans, but not so many.
The first that you need to know, is Monster name is reserved by an other company in Russia, so the our knowned Monster Energy cant be released they product with this name. This way, Monster Energy never released the cans in shops, for everyone to buy them. The first can what they try to made for this country is the Black Monster, with the Java Monster. After this, the Energy Drink was the second shoot from them. But, as I told it, they never released they.
Only very small amount cans obtained by the collectors. Only some peoples got this cans by inner mans from the Russian Coca-Cola. So, only some lucky collectors can got it by this contact. Lucky, I'm one of the lucky collector, who got the whole Russian set with this 3 cans.
I only know very less collectors, who have this complete set. Of course, this cans are very rare and impossible to get them nowadays. I can say, for the big Monster collecotors this cans are unicums!
I can send a set of black monster and monster assalt by post if somebody's interested :) I'm from Russia.
VálaszTörlésHow can I get all the cans and hyro sports
Törléswrite me on my email
TörlésI’m interested but I’d like to see a photo of the ingredients and nutrition level
VálaszTörlés Translated from Italian, "espresso" means "under the press." It is prepared using coffee machines, of which there are a huge number of types and modifications. However, the essence is the same - coffee extract is obtained from medium-ground coffee beans using high pressure. This is espresso. Traditionally, 10–20 g of coffee accounts for 30–50 ml of water.